Kharibila Satkhira Sadar
An excellent place for travelers who are exploring Satkhira, mostly known as "Montu Miah's Bagan Bari". The place is also popular with local high officials and corporate houses. It has almost 50 acres area covered with thousands of tree,a few ponds. Some guest houses are there,from minimum fare 3450 BDT per day to maximum 10000 BDT per day with all the modern facilities you want. There is a specified coffee house for guests where they can take breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can take home services also. They arrange food item according to your order. There is a zoo with lots of species (maybe about 100) and kinda park. Non residential visitors are allowed only to the park and zoo areas,there is a cafe for them too. There are two conference rooms for arranging meetings. Guest houses will be kept close during Ramadan. Very well decorated,well maintained place. Altogether there are 40-50 well-mannered staffs. If you are coming to Satkhira, don't forget to pay a visit here. ️
It's an unique and outstanding place to visit, full of tranquility and peace.
Nice garden so very good place
Everything is good here... Nice place for roam around here.
A beautiful place in Satkhira district. Many people come here to travel.
Nice, I enjoyed very much there
Nice Place
What an amazing park it is.Very big area.Very good for picnic.Absolutely wonderful environment.Here you can find a zoo with huge collection of animal.You can also ride on boat and play it on the pond.Also nice place for spending you leisure time with your family members and children.I love this park.
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