Requisite Data is rated 3 out of 5 in the category outsourcing/offshoring. Read and write reviews about Requisite Data. Requisite Data is a global data outsourcing Company that stands for progress.With over 3+ years of experience and operations in over 20 countries, it invents and integrates sufficient technologies, services to help forward thinking business, corporations, institutions and people manage their business data and succeed. We provide a wide range of services within the scope of data related services. Our organization’s operations and values are highly client oriented. Therefore, enabling us to build stronger relationships with our clients, at the same time we are helping our clients build a stronger relationship with their users. We took a stand to never compromise on quality, and today we stand ahead of all our competitors. Because of the uncompromising nature of our values, we have exceeded the expectations of all our customers, and continue to do so, on a daily basis.
#1 Namadola, Satmatha,Mahigonj
Company size
1-10 employees
Rangpur, Rangpur