BISMILLAH TELECOM SERVICE LTD is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Rupayan Karim Tower, Kakrail Footover Bridge. BISMILLAH TELECOM SERVICE LTD is rated 3.8 out of 5 in the category internet service provider in Bangladesh. Bismillah Telecom service Limited (BTSL) represent the most reliable Internet & Data Communication Services in nationwide. BTSL was launched in 2018 with innovative technology to maintain our internet users in the information superhighway with the fastest access to the worldwide net. Our unparallel dedications towards customer services & supports along with the adoption of the latest technologies helped us becoming the most trusted Internet Service Provider in the country. Our success history is built on our management’s commitment to maintaining the service excellence that every customer shall be 100% satisfied.
Rupayan Karim Tower, Kakrail Footover Bridge
Company size
11-50 employees
Dhaka, Dhaka